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Function of Inner coating lacquers of aluminium aerosol can

Views: 23     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-06-20      Origin: Site

The inner coating of aluminium aerosol can protects the aluminium metal base from the chemical content corrosion. The inner coating lacquer should have some characteristics:

  • Good anti-corrsion property

  • Strong adhisive to aluminium can surface

  • Good mechanical properties

  • Continuous production in process

aluminium aerosol can lacquer

The regular aluminium inner coating lacquers mainly include below:

  1. Epoxide-phenlic resins coating

    The epoxide-phnlic resin lacquer is widely used in domestic aluminium bottle coating. And 80% international market use it in aluminium cans.The resin has good process properties, covering force and elastility and good acid and alkali resistance.

  2. "MICOFLOX" oganic solvent

    It's a dioxygen inner paint with yellow or heavy yellow color. Good Cl- resistance property but it is easy to dry so not conenient in process. It is a kind of thermalplastic coating lacquer and become fragile when the temperature increased. It consumes in mass and easier to damage in process so the cost is high.

  3.  Polyamide

    Inner coating lacquer of polyamide has outstanding corroson resistance property. And good adaptability to different kinds of fillers and propellants, like filling content of dimethyl ether. But it also has some disadvantages like:

    a. it's solvent having strong toxicity and the operators in production have to be protected.

    b. high price increased it's cost

    c. the euqipment is complex to be cleared when change to another kind of lacquer or need special sprayer and pipe.

aluminium aerosol can inner coating

Improve the coating parameters to gurantee coating quality of aluminium aerosol cans

The inner coating lacquer is paint by special sprayer. The advanced automatic production line paint in three times to coat the lacquer onto the aluminium can. From the aluminium can bottom to the neck sprays the lacquer even. Since the inner coating lacquers have different properties, the equipments should be adjusted and control to below machine setting:

a. the aluminium extrusion can can not have scars

b. the surface of aluminium aerosol can should be cleared, dried and having passive film

c. it's best to keep some heat of teperature after clearing

d. proper pressure should be set onto inner coating lacquer

e. spraying force and angle set to proper position

f.  set the output of lacquer spraying at due

In order to get good coating quality, the air and oil in the air should be discharged. Dust and particles can not enter the lacquer. The pipes and sprayer should be cleared in time. The lacquer of aerosol can inner coating is usually not even thickness and different painting thickness depends on different lacquers. Coating thickness usually locates between 7~15 micrometer and some aluminium can lacquers locates 5~8 micrometer. And maxmium thickness may reach 18 micrometers.

thickness of aluminium aerosol can coating

Anyway the aluminium aerosol can or aluminium bottle with inner coating process need good spraying and coating work environment and worker should follow instruction of spraying process manual carfully. Then the aluminium can coating process can reach a high quality. And provide good safty and dubility after filling.

aluminium slug used for aerosol can extrusion

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